roon bridge doesn't seem to be active?

I have Beocreate amplifier paired with a  Pi 4b rev 1.4 running  HiFiBerryOS 20221128.  I love the whole set up, except that roon bridge doesn't seem to be active.  I can toggle a switch on the devices webpage under "sources" for roon.  However, the device doesn't show up on the roon setup page under "roon".  Owing to shairpoint sync, I can see it listed as an airplay device.  I've tried seeing if roon bridge is running on the command line like so:

# systemctl --all |grep roon
● roon.service                                                                                      not-found inactive dead    roon.service

Do you have an ideas about how to get the roon service active?  My only idea is to reflash the microsd card.

Thanks in advance


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