Hi, I install a DAC+DSP on my RPi4 but not sound at all, I try to install DSP program but nothing happens. Only once some sound appears on the version 11 DSP installation.
I try optical input, radio, ariplay, on lastest HifiberryOS
Hi, I install a DAC+DSP on my RPi4 but not sound at all, I try to install DSP program but nothing happens. Only once some sound appears on the version 11 DSP installation.
I try optical input, radio, ariplay, on lastest HifiberryOS
What's connected to this board?
Please enable SSH, login and run the commands
dpstoolkit check-eeprom
dsptoolkit get-checksum
and post the output.
I can make it (I hope)
This is the result
dsptoolkit check-eeprom
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/bin/dsptoolkit", line 29, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hifiberrydsp/dsptoolkit.py", line 1049, in main
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hifiberrydsp/dsptoolkit.py", line 833, in cmd_check_eeprom
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hifiberrydsp/dsptoolkit.py", line 360, in reset
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hifiberrydsp/client/sigmatcp.py", line 328, in reset
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hifiberrydsp/client/sigmatcp.py", line 114, in write_memory
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
# dsptoolkit get-checksum
Hmm, there is no checksum. That either means that the DSP isn't detected correctly, the installation is corrupted or there is some problem with the DSP. Reinstall the DSP program, then reboot and run dsptoolkit get-checksum again
Now I have this message:
# dsptoolkit check-eeprom
EEPROM content matches running profile, checksum 7B03B17AD5B6B1A0E0DACB29BF31F024
# dsptoolkit get-checksum
DSP profile looks ok. What output do you use?
analog and toslink. No sound at all.
I try to reinstall the DSP program and it happens again. I leave the radio from HifiBerryOS turn on and in a part of installation the sound appears for 1 second, the mute and 1 second more and the is mute again.
Hi, any clue about what happen? I power off for a while and Nothing changes, same chaecksum, same sound appear (one second, then mute, then one second again, then mute forever) when I reinstall the DAC+ DSP Universal Version 12. I search in other comments but I dont understand why only sound when I'm installing dsp...
Unfortunately I can't really say what might be the issue in your setup. We can check the hardware in our lab. IF you want us to do this, please contact us at support@hifiberry.com