Phono input via DAC+ ADC Pro

Guten Abend,


I am using a Raspberry PI with Volumio. Connected to my DAC (Wadia) per toslink via a USB toslink adaptor. STream my NAS flacs, tidal, spotify. Sadly only with 44,1khz.


My DAC can do 96khz. I am using the DAC digital volume control, so its connected directly to the main amp.

I want to connect a turntable directly to the raspberry and stream all teh sources with 96khz or 192khz to the amp. 

I see that the HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC Pro has a analog input and digital output. Can that do the job, ie take in the phono , convert it 96/192khz and pass the signal , or from the other sources, via toslink / cinch to the DAC.


Do I need a phono preamp, or does the hifiberry accept a low signal?


Thanks for the help. 


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