Hello, I have a Beocreate card on a Raspberry Pi 4 (Hifiberry OS 20210408). It is a few weeks now that I have a big pop when starting listening, and cracks when stopping. The cracks change according to the speaker preset I use. Sometimes I have a pop while listening. Is there any way I might stop that ? Thanks
HiFiBerry team We don't see this here. Did you deploy the official DSP profile?
Eirikr70 Yes, I usually use "Other speaker" preset, but it makes too many cracks when stopping, so I switched to CX50
HiFiBerry team What DSP Profile did you install?
Eirikr70 Beocreate Universal v10
HiFiBerry team Should be fine. Try disabling SPDIF input
Eirikr70 It doesn't change anything
HiFiBerry team Unfortunately, in this case I can't say what might cause this.
Eirikr70 Is there any way I could wipe off any DSP program memory ?
HiFiBerry team There is nothing to "wipe off". When you install a DSP profile, the previous one is being replaced.
Eirikr70 They have strangely disappeared ... The world of computers is always unprendictable !
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