just found this detailed review of the DAC2 HD
just found this detailed review of the DAC2 HD
That's somewhat disappointing performance. From my own measurements, I've observed that the DAC2 HD inverts phase (similar to the Khadas Tone2 Pro). I'll do some more measurements to see what I can learn about its filters at various sampling rates and share if I see anything interesting.
Did you observe this phase inversion on the DAC2 HD with and without fitted DSP module? In another review is mentioned that the DSP module is inverting the phase but not the DAC itself ( http://archimago.blogspot.com/2021/02/review-measurements-hifiberry-dsp-add.html#more ). If so, it could be addressed by the dsp firmware or you use the phase toggle in the HBOS in case you are HBOS user
Regarding the measurement it would be nice to see measurements without the use of roon as source. The results should be comparable to the ones on TI's datasheet for the PCM1796.
I just have the DAC2 HD…I did not buy the DSP module. So, the DAC seems to be inverting phase all on its own. I just invert phase in Roon, and that solves the issue.
I tried to take some measurements by just using the SoX "play" command, but I could not seem to get bit-perfect playback that way. The command seemed to be resampling everything to 44.1 or 48 kHz. I've had no problems with using Roon as a source in bit-perfect mode (no DSP or volume leveling enabled), so I think that's fine.
I don´t trust the review purely because it is based on Roon.
When I tried Roon with my DAC+ PRO XLR the sound quality was rather poor compared to not using Roon.
Not sure why, Roon couldn´t/wouldn´t help either. I don´t trust them for any good quality when playing to the Hifiberry board.
You could also try to checkout the roon-bridge which could be installed onto any linux. Maybe the sound quality is different. The HBOS is using the roon sdk, if I am not wrong which probably represents a deeper level of integration (and therefore the system config plays a bigger role).
David Börner - That's strange. I'm using Roon with the DAC+ Pro XLR, AMP2, and DAC2 HD, and all three sound excellent with Roon.
To verify, I've copied WAV files to /tmp and used the SoX `play` command to play the album with the network cable disconnected. I hear no difference or improvement in sound with this style of playback vs. bit-perfect playback from Roon.
I have no issues with roon either and I use it a lot. But on the other hand I doubt we can hear within the daily use a difference of 8db, especially if we talk of the THD+N range within the 90db or more (with music of 16bit sample depth). These 8db are the mentioned degration within the usage of roon and it could be linked to some server side setting on the roon server side as well.
But generally speaking, I have very high expectations on the DAC2 HD since it is positioned as HB's premium DAC HAT. And I were asuming it can meet the specs as listed in TI's datasheet.
I saw this review and thought it was a bit disappointing. I don't think Hifiberry has any 3rd party testing to back up performance claims so they can't really be taken as seriously as the Audio Science Review. More hifi companies are starting to do this since the best ones want to differentiate their products with proven test results.