Hi. I am pretty new in Raspberry. Got a problem how to add Soptify to my Hifiberry Os. Looking for a way to ad Tidal as well.
Hi. I am pretty new in Raspberry. Got a problem how to add Soptify to my Hifiberry Os. Looking for a way to ad Tidal as well.
There is no Tidal integration today. Spotify connect can be enabled in the SOURCES menu.
Ok but there is only an option to switch on/off an integration. How to make it working in there? Is there and good tutorial?
You just select it as a player in your Spotify app (you need the paid account to use Spotify connect).
hello when I select hifiberry in spotify it does not put sound. Is there a parameter to make?
No. Is sound output working with other sources?
yes, workt perfect with buetooth
I have a DAC + ADC card with a raspberry 4
The system is up to date
Did you enable the equaliser?
And you have a paid Spotify account?
You might check the spotify logs locally
journalctl -u spotify
where do I enter this command?
Yes, spotify paid with a student account
You need to login via SSH and then run this from command line
I have a error
Check your screenshot. You did not enter the command correctly
ok yes i test tomorrow
here is
-- Logs begin at Sat 2020-09-12 14:16:33 CEST, end at Fri 2020-12-11 16:29:26 CE
Dec 11 16:28:37 hifiberry systemd[1]: Starting Vollibrespot...
Dec 11 16:28:37 hifiberry vollibrespot[559]: vollibrespot v0.2.2 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN
Dec 11 16:28:37 hifiberry vollibrespot[559]: Reading Config from "/etc/vollibres
Dec 11 16:28:37 hifiberry vollibrespot[559]: [Vollibrespot] : Using Alsa backend
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Simple mixer control 'Softvol',0
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Capabilities: volume
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Playback channels: Front Left -
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Capture channels: Front Left -
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Limits: 0 - 255
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Front Left: 255 [100%]
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry restore-volume[604]: Front Right: 255 [100%]
Dec 11 16:28:38 hifiberry systemd[1]: Started Vollibrespot.
after a restart it works fine
comment écouter de la musique depuis l'entrée adc? quand j'entre cette commande j'ai ceci:
you can use logitech media server: it have plugins for Tidal, spotify , deezer and more.
also play your local music ans radios: radio france plugins is fantastic.
you use this software instead of hifiberry os?