Rasbian + Digi+ pro --> Lollypop

I'm super new to linux/Rasberry Pi, etc....so I apologize beforehand if this is a stupid question/problem!

I've got a new RasberryPi 4 with a digi+Pro running the newest version of Rasberry Pi Os (rasbian?)....and I got everything working (I think)...and after updating the host/config.txt file, I can hear music coming through my stereo if I play music with VLC player, or mplayer. 

I really like the way the Lollypop music player looks/works, but I can't get any sound!  In the Lollypop gui preferences, I don't see any way to adjust where I'm sending sound output, which I'm guessing is the problem?   

Does anyone have any experience with Lollypop and point me in the right direction? 

Thanks very much!


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