Hello everyone!
I have several RPi's 3, 3+ and 4 running with an Hifi berry hat, mostly running eighter Kodi or PiCore Player. Two of them are with a touchscreen and with PINN you can create a multiboot and select te os to use. If I want to stream music I now have to install Raspbian and squeezbox plugin, since PiCore Player had not been updated for the RPi 3+ and 4 to support PINN.
This OS is way more advanced and it's o great you can tune the sound!! It would be perfect to use in a multiboot scenario....
HiFiBerry team Hi,
Unfortunately, HiFiBerryOS requires full access to the SD card. It can't coexist with other distributions.
This is needed for our robust updater that always keeps 2 versions of the OS on SD card. It can't be changed.Best regards,
Daniel -
Joeri Thats extremely unfortunate... to exclude all options esp. considering its an open platform and raspberry pi... but i guess thats how it its when people put it inside their speaker and never want to open it up again...
HiFiBerry team I don't think booting 2 different distributions is a good solution for this. Why not just use 2 seperate Pi's - one for video and one for music?
That's how we do it here. The video player just sends audio via TOSLink to a Beocreate 4CA, but you can also use a DAC+ DSP if you don't need an integrated amplifier.
Best regards,
Daniel -
Joeri It is when you have a touchscreen model with built in speakers and miniamp. Its like a multiboot tablet/minipc/tv then. One is a music player, one is a video player, one is a retrogaming station and one is a 7 inch tablet to work on... Libreelec, picore player retropi and raspbian... makes sense right?!
Chris I just found this post. I was thinking about the exact same scenario and was surprised, PINN is not supported. I would like to have one Pi, which I can use for HifiBerry (by default) for Audio and LibreElec (seldom) for video. This way I would only need on Pi in my AV rack and not two which I never want to use at the same time.
Is there no way or plan to support this?
HiFiBerry team No, there are no plans. HiFiBerryOS requires full access to the SD card. This allows us to have a very robust updater that allow to fallback to the previous release if something goes wrong. This would not be possible with other software on the same SD card.