Hi everyone and merry Christmas!
I am so looking forward to finishing my first speaker building project over the christmas holidays but need your help...!
I built a mono 2way Speakerbox. I use a RPi 3B+, Hifiberry Dac+ DSP and gonna connect it via the two analog outputs to a Class D AMP board.
This Speakerbox is just for
- streaming radio or playing songs from a USB Stick attached to the RPi;
- must be controllable via App or Browser;
- being adapted to the listening room by using REW;
nothing else;
So, my problem is, that I am completely blank on what OS to choose for the RPi and much more on how to actually connect to the DSP part of the Hifiberry Board – I found no manual, no youtube-tutorial, no blog posts with a thorough description and I am completely lacking any know-how in this regard.
Could you give me some guidelines? Couple of buzz words might be enough for me to just make sure I work in a right direction :)
- Volumio, HifiberryOS or something else?
- How to easily connect to the DSP part? I would prefer using Sigma Studio but in case the DSPtoolkit is an alternative and easier to get hooked up to the dsp part, I d also go with the toolkit.
Help would be much appreciated!