Please post your feedback, comments, bug reports for our HiFiBerry OS here.
Please post your feedback, comments, bug reports for our HiFiBerry OS here.
I downloaded your hifiberry os yesterday and flashed it to an microSD-card.
After putting it in my RPI Zero W and booting it, I could not find it on my network.
When mounting the img-file on my mac I can not see where I can configure the Wlan credentials and enable ssh access.
Looking forward to get more familiar with this distribution as soon as I get it working!
As for now I will revert back to Raspbian.
Hi Niclas,
right now there is no WiFi enabled. We'll work on this.
Best regards,
Great! Thanks for the ultra fast answer! I am looking forward to a rpi zero w-compatible release.
Hi Daniel,
Sorry, re-posted here in correct place:
HifiberryOS installed and a profile installed ok it seems, eeprom check yields a positive result. Trying to edit a crossover or filters? I assume need to log in via SCP and drop the file somewhere?
You can just copy the file with scp. Then login with ssh and use dsptoolkit to apply the parameters.
I'll see if we can add a small editor in the next HiFiBerryOS release.
Best regards,
Windows command prompt doesnt seem to copy to pi@
If I use "scp crossover.txt pi@" including the ":/" then I am asked for a password but the hifiberry/root combination doesnt work.
I am using winscp but into which folder should the txt file go?
got it, /root/
Hi Daniel,
I set the volume limit to 0.1 as per below but its possible to override the limit? Perhaps I am not understanding the volume limit setting?
# dsptoolkit get-limit
Limit: 0.1000 / 67% / -20db
# dsptoolkit set-volume 0.1
Volume set to -20.0dB
# dsptoolkit set-volume 0.2
Volume set to -13.979400086720375dB
# dsptoolkit get-volume
Volume: 0.2000 / 77% / -14db
Volume and Limit are 2 independent volume controls. They work like this:
With the limit setting you set the maximum volume setting that you ever want to use. The "normal" volume setting is relative to this.
So if you set limit to -10dB and volume to -20db, the resulting volume will be -30dB.
You can even set the volume to more than 0dB to override the limit settings (e.g. -10dB limit and +10dB volume would result in +0dB).
However, using the usual ALSA controls, you can't increase the volume to more than 100%
Best regards,
So it is more like a volume offset than a hard limit?
Do the following commands have the same result of offsetting the maximum allowable volume (using ALSA) by 50db down?
dsptoolkit set-limit 0.5
dsptoolkit set-limit -50db
dsptoolkit set-limit 50%
Yes, the "limit" is basically an offset.
The commands will result in completely different volume settings. As volume perception is logarithmic, the volume % setting follows a logarithmic curve over a 60dB range. The "%" range is optimal if you want to use a mixer like alsamixer.
The db range is - as it suggests - a setting in decibel, while given just a number (e.g. the 0.5) will set a fixed multiplier.
Conversion between db and a multiplier is db = 20* log10(multiplier) (that's how decibels are defined).
So I recommend to use the units that you are most comfortable with.
Best regards,
There is a new HiFiBerryOS version online now:
- added nano as a second editor (vi is still available)
- added WiFi support (via wpa_supplicant.conf on FAT partition)
Best regards,
Great news! Will try this afternoon!
1- How is it possible to check whether spotify service or airplay service is running? I haven't got airplay to work yet in current distribution.
2 - glad to see nano included!
You can just use "ps"
ps -ef | grep shairport
ps -ef | grep spotify
Best regards,
I get the following results:
# ps -ef | grep shairport
323 root grep shairport
# ps -ef | grep spotify
272 root /usr/bin/spotifyd
325 root grep spotify
Airplay doesn't work, doesn't get picked up by iOS devices. Spotify works well.
Hmm, looks like shairport ins't running at all. I might have forgotten this in the latest releases. I'll have a look.
Best regards,
Could you tell me how to connect in SSH ?
(user and password)
Best regards
user: root
pwd: hifiberry
Thanks you very much
Hi Daniel,
Yesterday when I was setting up, Spotify was working fine in terms of being able to adjust the volume from my phone. I executed the following commands once I was done before I unplugged:
dsptoolkit apply-settings crossover.txt
dsptoolkit store-settings crossover.txt
dsptoolkit apply-rew-filters filters.txt
dsptoolkit store-filters
dsptoolkit set-limit 0.2
dsptoolkit store
Unplugged device
This afternoon plugged in device
Spotify now cant control the volume, assume using ALSA? Only way to change vol it to SSH into pi?
Hmm, looks like a bug. Can you please login and run the command
Best regards,
# amixer
Simple mixer control 'DSPVolume',0
Capabilities: volume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: 0 - 255
Front Left: 215 [84%]
Front Right: 215 [84%]
Simple mixer control 'Softvol',0
Capabilities: volume
Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: 0 - 255
Front Left: 255 [100%]
Front Right: 255 [100%]
Ok, in this case I guess, dsptoolkit "forgot" the DSP profile. What is the output of
dsptoolkit get-volume
Best regards,
I am not sure where the default or fresh startup volume is set? Don't think I have done that unless its stored in the profile by default?
I did the following:
# dsptoolkit get-limit
Limit: 0.2000 / 77% / -14db
# dsptoolkit get-volume
Volume: 0.0500 / 57% / -26db
pull power & reboot
# dsptoolkit get-volume
Volume: 0.0500 / 57% / -26db
The get-volume after a reboot is the one that is set in the EEPROM (if you really power off the Raspberry Pi, not just reboot).
So, this all looks fine.
If you change the volume from command line, this works fine? In this case, the spotify configuration might be incorrect.
Best regards,
Command line volume change is the only thing that works and as you mentioned previously, the 'limit' can be over-ridden so all that works as expected. I assume its a Spotify configuration but weird that it would work yesterday and not today...
Looks like a bug. The sound card auto-detect script updates the configuration of the media players. I need to fix this. This will take a bit...
Best regards,
Ok, both the volume control and missing Airplay were bugs in the previous release. These have been fixed now.
A new release is available here:
Best regards,
Hi Daniel,
New version works great so far! Thanks for the updates.
For those that don't know, follow the instructions on this link to easily setup wifi:
Thank you so much for this OS! Airplay and Spotify are just the only two services I need. Worked great on pi 3b via ethernet.
I can't get it working on a zero w though. Followed Duncan's helpful recommendation, but still nothing... Is your current release maybe not pi zero compatible?