DAC+ Pro on Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspberry Pi OS: no sound

The OS is the latest (6.6.51), 64 bit. The DAC+ Pro has HW2.6.

I edited config.txt, which is now in /boot/firmware. I commented out "dtparam=audio=on"

I altered the relevant line to "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,noaudio"

I created an /etc/asound.conf with the optional content (no effect).

I added "force_eeprom_read=0"

I get a sound card (aplay -l) only with "dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac". There is no sound card when I specify hifiberry-dacplus-pro (which is what I actually have). I also tried hifiberry-dacplus-std and hifiberry-dacplus.

Using the only configuration that results in a sound card, I do get audio output, but it is very quiet. alsamixer is up all the way. I am playing a flac using mplayer.

I do not know what to try next.


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