I have a Hifiberry Amp3 with os version 20230404. When checking for updates it reports it is up to date. Is this correct or am I stuck with an older version and need a more advanced update?
Thank you
I have a Hifiberry Amp3 with os version 20230404. When checking for updates it reports it is up to date. Is this correct or am I stuck with an older version and need a more advanced update?
Thank you
We're now working on HiFiBerryOS64. There is no upgrade path from the "old" HiFiBerryOS to HiFiBerryOS64 as many internals are chaging. Therefore, this is the latest stable version available.
Thank you for clarifying. Is there a stable OS64 release yet or when is it expected? And is it compatible with my hardware, HiFiBerry Amp3?