Choosing the interface hw:sndrpihifiberry DAC+ADC in qjackctl setup (after updating de config.txt with dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplusadc and dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,noaudio) worked immediately on PI3.
When I bought the PI5 (even adding the force_eeprom_read=0 in config.txt) on a raspbian bookworm 64bits, qjackctl did not manage to connect to DAC+ADC because launched the jackd with options -o0 and -i0 (meaning 0 input and 0 output channels which obviously cannot work). I had to add in qjackctl "advanced setup" to use 2 input and 2 output channels.
This is quite awkward. Could it be due to the hifiberry-dacplusadc.dtbo in PI5.
Rk: It even works without the "force_eeprom_read=0" in PI5's context.txt.