How high is the power consumption of the Beocreate 4 + Raspberry 4 or 5 when no playback is running?
HiFiBerry team It depends a lot on the software on the Pi. The Pi's power consumption can easily vary from 1W to more than 5W. Therefore, we can't give any specific numbers here. In many cases, the Pi is the component with the highest power consumption.
Andreas K. Thank you. Sure, the power consumption of the Pi varies. How high is the consumption of the Beocreate board alone or that of a complete system with e.g. a Pi 4 or 5? I am only interested in the consumption at rest, i.e. without music playback, because as I understand it there is no dedicated standby mode on the board.
HiFiBerry team Even the power consumption of the Beocreate alone is hard to measure as it doesn't include a lot of things, e.g. the switching losses for the Pi. Even different DSP profiles will have an effect on power consumption. I just connected 5V to a Beocreate here without anything connected to it and used 70mA at 5V
However, if you want to limit power consumption, completely shutting down the Pi on the mains side is the best way to to it. While the Pi5 is the first Pi that has a real shutdown mode, it's still not a platform that's designed for lowest standby power consumption. -
Andreas K. I have now simply tried it out. A beocreate 4 + Raspberry Pi 4 + stereo pair of CX100 consumes just over 5 watts at rest. I then swapped the Raspberry Pi 4 for a Pi Zero 2 W - not easy, as you need a header extension for this, otherwise the SD card will collide with a capacitor on the board. The Zero 2 + beocreate 4 then needs just over 2 watts at rest.
Unfortunately, the Pi Zero 2 still needs a USB WLAN stick in my setup, as the onboard Wi-Fi does not want to talk to the WPA3 of my router (Wi-Fi 7). So I end up with just under 3 watts at rest for the entire system.