Rig is Rpi 4/4GB + iq audio digiamp+
first run with mounted HAT: endless rebootings, no contact via local adress or ip-adress possible
Rpi4 without HAT and keyboard/ mouse and hdmi display:
leads to terminal, when logged in, after ca. 2 minutes looged in to settings screen, some preparations are made (country etc.).
Now prog can be entered via browser login and i can see and use the Hifiberry Browser surface. No chance to choose any HAT.
after logging out and driving down, HAT is mounted, keyboard and HDMI is also connected
after starting, it leads to terminal login. when logged in no user surface is shown, system is restarted.
No login via browser possible, connection is rejected.
Testing with volumio and osmc had no prblems with the HAT.