Is it possible to mount the DAC+ on a Pi Zero? It should be since the Zero is based on the B+, right?
Anton Hi Tobias,
we expect it to work, but haven't tried it out, since we didn't received it yet. Please note you would need to solder the GPIO header by yourself and you would probably need an adapter for the micro USB port to attach an Ethernet or WiFi adapter.
Please find our first comment about the Zero here:
Once we have the Zero and tried it out, we'll post the outcome in the news section.
Anton -
HiFiBerry team Hi Tobias
I've got a Raspberry Pi Zero on order and will be trying it out against our sound cards to see if they are compatible. In theory I would expect them all to work (DAC+, Digi+ and AMP+) but this is still to be confirmed.
All the best
HiFiBerry team Hi Tobias,
we have a conirmation from our Swiss reseller that the DAC+ works perfecty with the Raspberry PI Zero.
Best regards
Daniel -
Scott Kramer Could you document the exact pins used on the 40-pin header? I'd like to solder just the exact headers needed instead a full 40pin header.
HiFiBerry team Hi Scott, check out our documentation on GPIOs: would not recommend to use only a few pins, but the full header set, especially for the power supply lines and GND.
Best regards
Daniel -
Scott Kramer Cool, was planning on connecting all power & grounds etc. should be fine.
Scott Kramer After adding all power/ground, gpio's from the doc
Had to add pin's 27,28 (i2c ID EEPROM) then it worked properly
HiFiBerry team Hi Scott,
thanks for the feedback. How do you connect it to a network?
Best regards
Daniel -
Scott Kramer