I chose OSMC because the instructions linked from the support distributions page were short.
Turns out they are bunk, why? because AFAIK the OSCM does not include the overlay file hifiberry-amp.overlay.dtb (it has 3 other dtb overlays but not this one) and unhelpfully the support site for hifiberry doesn't supply this.
Where can I download? How do I install? Should I move to OpenELEC instead?
Alex Balcanquall to be clear I followed the instructions on the news page -
Stuart MacLean Hi Alex,
The missing hifiberry-amp-overlay.dtb has in OSMC been spotted by myself and I am currently in the process of coordinating with the OSMC development team to fix this issue which I hope to have resolved in the next couple of days.
We're currently in the process of rolling out a new installation program which writes any of the supported Linux distributions to SD Card with the HiFiBerry configuration in place. At the moment this is beta and OpenELEC is working with it, although not OSMC - quite yet. (Hence the reason why the missing AMP overlay was spotted).
Windows one is
Mac one is
Hope this helps,
Stuart -
Alex Balcanquall Cool, glad you noticed. I have to say the Max2Play image is quite nice and seems to fit my needs. This was experiment to see if I could get rid of my speakercraft distribution system and replace with 8 hi-fi berries. I think there is an underserved market for this (at the moment the very expensive casa tunes is the only option, as it does airplay. sonos doesn't). The only thing stopping me is the inability to stream an airplay stream to all 8 hifi berries simultaneously (or any arbitrary number).
The squeezlite comes close when used with something like iPeng - it has the ability to link all 8 hifi-berries but only for native streams not for the airplay stream.
whats needed is a 'airplay proxy' that can receive the airplay stream and then re-send it synchronized to 8 airplay receivers. Bizarrely I can actually do this by hand on my PC with combination of airfoil and airfoil speakers. Would be better if this could be done on a Pi for obvious reasons. Have you thought about something like this? -
HiFiBerry team Hi Alex,
we can think of a lot ;-) However as we are not squeezebox experts, implementing something like this would be very expensive. You might check out Ickstream, but I don't know if there is a feature like this implemented.
Best regards
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