How to connect a Touchscreen and which one?

Wish to everybody a fantastic time.
Sorry for some trouble with my English.
I want to build a "Studio-box for digitalization".
The purpose is to play and digitzed my old cassettes and vinyls.
Inside the *studio*:
RasPi2 and Hifiberry, power supply, pre-amplifiere, LS all in a wooden box,
maybe with one side from acryl,
including a place for a recorder for music-cassettes
in and out for LP aka Vinyl-player.
In-Output to RasPi and Hifiberry via a touchscreen, minimum lets say four inch.
separate volume control buttons to the LS.

So as this is stayed:
In this case how to connect a Touchscreen and which one?
[If GPIO - Pins are blocked]
On a easy way: no soldering, no extra programing.

Thanks for your answer,
wish all of you a
excellent time


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