i have raspberry 2 - OSMC installed but i really dont know how to install hifiberry on it.
I have really tiny skills in linux so guides i have managed to check so far wasnt telling me nothing :( maybe i looked at wrong ones...
Please if anyone could spare few minutes i would appreciate your time.
Thank you very much,
HiFiBerry team Hi,
we didn't test OSMC for some time, therefore I don't know what is the way to configure it. Most likely this guide will work:
However, I would recommend to use OpenElec as we have a guide written for it already:
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit i am first trying
but i have a problem...
cat: snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus: No such file or directory
cat: EOT: No such file or directory
root@osmc:/home/osmc# ^C
root@osmc:/home/osmc# cat >/etc/modules <<EOT
> snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus
it seems to me like i did something wrong... i do not know what - i am really user only no serious knowledge of this whatsoever...
please if you could let me know if its correctly written or something went terribly wrong, thanks -
HiFiBerry team Check the content of /etc/modules with
cat /etc/modules
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit sorry for being so noobie, but i logged to osmc via putty as ussualy and probably i am doing something wrong...
osmc@osmc:~$ cat /etc/modules
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo bash
root@osmc:/home/osmc# cat /etc/modules
and nothing... :( i am forgeting somethin am i ? -
HiFiBerry team Looks like /etc/modules is empty.
Just use an editor and add the line
For beginners, I recommend to use "nano" (as root):
nano /etc/modules
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit i use osmc just for watching movies, i am not beginner i am person who doesnt know what hes doing unless someone tells him what to do in regards of this stuff...
nano /etc/modules/ to be honest didnt tell me anything :( i put that in ssh putty and something came up empty and now i dont know what else....
i tryed via osmc to go directly into etc/ and there is even no folder modules there is something that has name modules but 0B see pic...
i just bought hifiberry to have better sound quality and i feel totaly lost - i have no friend who has skills in this stuff just this forum to help me :(...
if you could write me simple step by step :( it would be lovely -
HiFiBerry team /etc/odules is a file, not a directory. You have to create and edit it.
nano /etc/modules
will open the editor with this file. However you used nano etc/modules/ which won't work. As I said, we haven't tested OSMC for a long time, therefore I can't give you a 100% working step-by-step guide, but only help you with each step.
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit here is video of steps ive done..
and it seems to have snd_scc_hifiberry_digi but when i try to check with $ aplay -l it says it didnt detect anything... so i have decided to try openelec.. those steps i understand.. i will report as soon as i know anything.. -
neyoneit ok i did everything on here : https://www.hifiberry.com/guides/openelec-configuration/
i have currently OpenELEC 5.0.6
But one more thing - how do i know its working ? - audio still doesnt work thru digi - should i select it in settings somewhere in kodi ?
when i tryed "aplay -l" via ssh it says
OpenELEC (official) Version: 5.0.6
OpenELEC:~ # aplay -l
aplay: device_list:268: no soundcards found...
OpenELEC:~ #
http://i62.tinypic.com/2q9jotk.jpg -
neyoneit i got back OSMC and found solution how to enable hifiberry...
somneone suggested that:
"All that you need to do is a) enable it in: My OSMC, Pi Settings b) reboot, c) Select it in Settings, System Audio Output."
and suprisingly its really all i need to do..
BUT i am still getting no sound.. and i dont know why, how can i check it or is it possible to check if everything works correctly ?
http://i57.tinypic.com/6hq25x.jpg -
HiFiBerry team Do you use a DAC, DAC+ or Digi? In the beginning, you used the DAC+ driver, now it says Digi. What card do you use?
DAC, DAC+ and Digi use different drivers.
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit http://rpishop.cz/raspberry-pi-prislusenstvi/158-hifiberry-digi.html
HiFiBerry Digi+ Audio modul for RPi B+
totaly my bad, but i am learning... i always switched dac to digi on my ssh... i just didnt mention it here when i copy pasted website tutorials.. sorry i have digi -
HiFiBerry team Ok, it looks like the card is configured. You can check this if you log in and use the command
"aplay -l".
How is your DAC/Amplifier connected to the Digi board? Do you see a red light from the optical port?
To make sure the hardware works, you can use our test image from here:
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit i have made bunch of pictures because optical cable doesn't have red light in it as it should.. in my opinion
http://i59.tinypic.com/2cmp6r9.jpg -
HiFiBerry team Hi,
yes, the optical output should light in this case. It looks like it might be defective.
Can you test the RCA output? Does your DAC/Amplifier have an electrical digital input? The dealer you bought it from should replace this one. You can also send it to us (to Germany) and we will replace it.
Best regards
Daniel -
HiFiBerry team Yes, there should be a red light. Can you test the electrical output? Does is play the test tone?
The optical output might have been damaged. In this case, the board needs to be replaced. Your dealer should do this, but you can also send it to our Germany office and we will replace it.
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit Hi,Does is play the test tone?
test tone doesnt work..
optical cable works i tryed it on tv.
I am waiting for retailer to tell me what to do next.. and will let you know as soon as i know something. -
neyoneit it works finally works.
It was faulty hifiberry :)
**OSMC RC works just fine with hifiberry digi/dac
just follow these simple instructions:**
All that you need to do is a) enable it in: My OSMC, Pi Settings b) reboot, c) Select it in Settings, System Audio Output.
BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL and biggest thanks to Daniel and DaveP who wrote this simple advice :)
This topic can be marked as SOLVED !! -
HiFiBerry team Thanks for the feedback.
Best regards
Daniel -
neyoneit And please update tutorial for hifiberry on OSMC - if you want i can provide pictures of each settings.. -
neyoneit i made pics for each step i think someone like me will appreciate all these steps :)
1 step: http://i59.tinypic.com/e0hmxc.png
2 step: http://i61.tinypic.com/in4m7b.png
3 step: digi http://i57.tinypic.com/2eaj8lx.png / dac http://i57.tinypic.com/2liaj3l.png
4 step: http://i62.tinypic.com/2cse98y.png
5 step: http://i62.tinypic.com/vevy1u.png
6 step: http://i61.tinypic.com/30ktx7q.png
7 step: http://i58.tinypic.com/10gieeh.png
8 step: http://i59.tinypic.com/vdkcx.png
9 step: http://i60.tinypic.com/29osbyo.png
i have hifiberry digi, if someone uses this tutorial please check if you have digi / dac version if so "step 3-4" you have to pick DAC overlay and on "step 8-9" pick dac also :) -
HiFiBerry team Thanks, we will look into this.
Best regards
Daniel -
Balazs Orsi I have tried my Digi+ yesterday with the latest version of OSMC and it's working using the below instructions:
https://www.hifiberry.com/guides/configuring-the-sound-card-in-openelec-with-device-tree-overlays/ -
Lanzelet Hi...
one stupid question: How do I get to "My OSMC"?
I remember the screen from neyoneit's first Screenshots from when I installed OSMC, but when my Raspi starts, it get me directly to the Kodi Dashboard. Think I changed something there.
How do I get to "My OSMC"-Screen from there to enable my new Digi+? -
Lanzelet Okay, I found it myself. With Confluence-Skin go to Programs -> OSMC Settings ;)
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