Hi Daniel,
After giving the amp some power ( :-) ) it works wonderful and also sounds quit good.
I am using Mediaplayer with mpd or mplayer and also Songcast to receive the sound from one of mine Linn DS streamers.
With the normal sound card I could regulate the volume when using Songcast but with the amp installed the volume is set to maximum.
Whatever setting I choose, nothing helps. I tried mpd or mplayer but same results.
When selecting Radio or Minimserver volume control is as I used to only when selecting Songcast it goes to maximum, even when I set volume to zero.
Do you have any clou why that is?
Is there a different stream or so?
Thanks in advance.
Many regards,
HiFiBerry team Hi,
in mpd you have to configure the right mixer control. With the Amp this is "Master". You need to configure this or select software volume control.
The mixer controls for our sound boards are documented here:
Best regards
Daniel -
advr Thanks for your answer.
I did user the mixer_type "software"
The settings in the HiFiBerry do limit the max volume but still I can regulate the volume.
It seems to be fixed when using Songcast...
How can I use this "Master"setting.
Best regards,
Ad. -
HiFiBerry team I'm not an mpd expert, but you can try:
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_device "default"
mixer_control "Master"
in your MPD configuration file -
advr Thanks, but that is not working.
Still I have a fixed volume.
amixer sset Master 70%, amixer sset Channels 70%,70% are working! So no too much sound when trying new settings.
It's only when using Songcast stream from the Linn streamer (sender).
All other sources (Radio, Minimserver) are working perfectly!
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