Pluging an Adafruit touchscreen on a HifiBerry DAC+
I'm trying to connect a Adafruit PiTFT 2.8" TFT 320x240+ touchscreen and a HifiBerry DAC+ on a Raspberry Pi 2 B. Is it possible? Do I need to solder the touchscreen card on the DAC+?
Is the information above still up to date? I am considering trying to add a HifiBerry to a PiTFT (480x320 version) setup and am trying to gauge the difficulty involved in doing so. External appearance is irrelevant and if possible I would like to avoid / minimize soldering - can I connect all the components with cables?
The latest model of AMP+ has long GPIO pins. You can connect one end of 40-pin (or 26-pin) cable to AMP+ and the other end to the PiTFT similar to what I did for my project:
Just make the cable as short as possible to avoid slow refreshes in PiTFT.
In case of DAC+ and Digi+ I don't think you can avoid soldering if you need to connect PiTFT using cable.