Raspberry Pi 2 + Digi + Denon DA 500


I have some isssues with my Hifiberry Digi and a Denon DA 500 DAC. The DA-500 can lock to the signal and plays via Toslink and Koax APDIF equally. The strange thing is that the DA-500 is not recognizing the CLock somehow and therefore the Frequenz indicators are not lighting up (32,44.1,48 khz).

I tried this with Volumio & Raspbian and I have a Rasberry PI 2.

I checked this with Airplay and Direkt Play or mp3's and Waf files with all 3 different Sample rates. The Frequencies are never indicated (a Denon x4000 proves though that the actual signal is according to the source files).

A usb dac, atv3, and an OLD Denon cd Player with spdif do get recognized properly.

So here my questions:

-Is the i2s clock of the PI so inacurate and the Wolfson 8804 is following this pace via PPL that the DA-500 cant recognize it completly?
-Is actually the Wolfson 8804 buffering and reclocking the signal (it has a Quartz)? And is maybe slightly to fast or slow?
-Are there specific bits set/unset within the SPDIF/PCM stream. Copy bit etc. which the DAC maybe expects?
-Are there Known Issues with the DA-500 or a yamaha YM3623 spdif receiver?

its really a strange behavior which leaves my the flavor that my setup is having issues and might not sound as good as possible.

with kind regards,



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