Hello Everybody!
Since I'm planning to build up a multiroom solution together with squeezeplug and Logitech Media Center I'm surching for some speakers which fit to the specifications of the AMP+. I'm currently running my setup with some Speakers I found in the basement.
I would be nice to collect some experiences:
Which speakers do you use?
Which specifications should the speakers have (There are so many parameters)?
Here is a nice overview of Speakers. How would you set the search parameters?
- Georg
HiFiBerry team Hi Georg,
specifications won't tell you a lot about the speakers. For a small room, almost every speaker will work fine, if the room is large, I would recommend speakers with a higher efficiency (>85db/1W/1m).
However I recommend to listen to speakers. Even in the same price range speakers can sound very different. You may like the sound of one, but not the other. You won't find this out from the specifications.
Best regards
Daniel -
gfg Hi Daniel
I was afraid of getting such an answer ;-)
The problem I'm facing is that speakers in a shop will sound different since they are connected to another AMP. So it would be good to have some kind of reference values to narrow down the number of matches.
Georg -
HiFiBerry team The differences between different Amps is small, Most impact on the sound has the speaker and your room. Check if you can buy speakers locally with the option to give them back or exchange them. There are no parameters that you can use to distinguish between a speakers you like and others you con't like. Different people prefer very different speakers.
Best regards
Daniel -
gfg Hi Daniel
Thanks for your replies. I forgot how expensive loudspeakers can be.
I don't know if there are the best for my room but I bought a pair of these:
not so expensive but still give a good sound.
Georg -
HiFiBerry team In general I would recommend to spend at least 50% for the speakers. While there is a difference in electronics, the biggest audible difference comes from the speakers and the room. This is where optimisations should start.
Best regards
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