A very simple question, what do I need?
Obviously a LCD,Digi+ and RPi b+. But do I need to solder something? Or does the Digi+ has holes of the GPIO that I can use?
HiFiBerry team Yes, you need to solder at least a pin header onto the Digi. The pins that are used are shown in this topic:
Best regards
Danie -
tgferronha Thank you for your quick answer, but with the new digi+ I just need to solder additional pins to the digi+, not de-solder the pins and solder the big rack of pins you have available in the shop, is that correct?
If I use something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-hook-up-wires-Pin-Socket-Rainbow-colours-Arduino-Raspberry-Pi-Breadboard-/111006339049 do I need to solder the wires to the digi+? -
tgferronha Or these wires: http://www.adafruit.com/products/759 -
HiFiBerry team Hi,
you do not need to desolder something, but solder a second 40pin male or female header onto the board (whatever you like, depending on your cables).
Best regards
Daniel -
tgferronha ok, gonna order the digi+ :) -
tgferronha Ok, I got another question, for what I can see GPIO18 is used in Digi+, but most of the LCD that I saw need that header... can I share it? I saw a few projects with the lcd so it can be done or not? -
tgferronha http://www.hifiberry.com/2014/08/more-details-of-our-new-hifiberry-dac/
There are solder pads to add another 40-pin header that gives you access to the all GPIO pins. Note that some of the pins are used exclusively by the HiFiBerry DAC+ and can’t be used to connect other hardware, but there are still a lot of unused GPIOs for your projects. We will show you how to connect an IR receiver, LCD display and a volume control knob.
This is sad because both IR receiver and LCD display use the same GPIO pins... -
HiFiBerry team You can't share the pins that the boards is using. LIRC can be configured to use a different GPIO and I think also your LCD software can be reconfigured. However we can't give support for this.
Best regards
Daniel -
tgferronha Thank you Daniel, I don't want to bother you much more, but people who want to add a lcd can use this as a reference (and you can point them towards this).
The IC2 can be used for the lcd?GPIO2 and 3 can be used also for other I2C devices, but not as general-purpose-IOs.
If I use a lcd with a backpack I can use only the I2C connections, from the adafruit backpack, I can use also the SPI connection, will it work?
Cheers -
HiFiBerry team Hi,
as I don't know how this specific LCD works, I can't say how it communicates. Also note that some boards need special kernels that might not have HiFiBerry support. I2C can be used, if the other board also communicates over I2C and does not use these pins as GPIOs.
A project how to connect an LCD can be found here: http://www.hifiberry.com/forums/topic/small-media-player-with-squeezeliteslave/
Note that these configurations are not something for beginners. Configuration can be complex, you also need to make sure that other circuits do not draw power from the 3.3V rail.
Best regards
Daniel -
tgferronha Thank you :)
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