On this page, https://www.hifiberry.com/docs/archive/multiroom-audio-system-based-on-raspberry-pi-and-hifiberry/using-the-multiroom-system/
It was mentioned that "During playback, the cover and the main control buttons are displayed. It’s possible to display the lyrics via a Squeezebox plugin as well."
The guide linked is unsupported and doesn't mention of this lyric system. I was also unsure what step or system in this allowed lyrics. I also couldn't find a similar guide online for how to add lyrics to the setup, and I won't be needing a multi-room setup.
I was just wondering if there was a simple guide or setup to explain how to setup lyrics for hifiberry os? I would love to enable this (or a music visualizer, but I couldn't find anything there and that seems much more difficult). Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has enabled lyrics and if they could explain how they did it!