I have Hifiberry OS running on a Raspberry PI 4, a hifiberry Amp4, and a DSP add-on card.
There is no sound output. I think this might be because there is no DSP program installed. I thought Hifiberry OS comes with this pre-installed. Here is a screenshot:Unchecking the option "Mute Unknown Programs" does not help. In any case I do want the DSP program installed. Maybe there is a permissions problem in my system?
Here is my check-system:
HiFiBerryOS version: 20230404
Pi type: 4
Pi model: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5
Compatibility: No known problems
Sound card: DAC+/Amp2
Sound card ID: 0
aplay 1: card 0 sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus]
aplay 2: device 0 HiFiBerry DAC+ HiFi pcm512x-hifi-0 [HiFiBerry DAC+ HiFi pcm512x-hifi-0]
Mixer: Digital
Features: pi localui bluetooth pi3orlater arm7 dsp
Power controller: Error: Read failed
Error: Read failed
not detected
Linux version: Linux strawberry 5.15.78-v7l #1 SMP Mon Apr 3 20:04:51 UTC 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux
Date and time: Thu Jun 13 09:31:18 EDT 2024
/data mounted: FAIL
/dev/dri/card0: OK
BT devices: hci0 -
WiFi devices: wlan0
audiocontrol2: running
beocreate2: running
bluetooth: not running
bluealsa: not running
bluealsa-aplay: not running
dlnampris: not running
mpd: running
pigpio: running
raat: not running
shairport-sync: running
sigmatcp: running
snapcastmpris: not running
spotify: running
squeezelite: not running
sshd: running
ympd: running
weston: not running
cog: not running