DAC+ADC Pro audio input to read a potentiometer


I've tried to use other channel of the audio input on DAC+ADC Pro to read a potentiometer reading. For some reason it does not work. My simple schematic is as follows:

This, by wiring simulator should give around 0.825V and around 110 uA when pot is completely turned "on" and 0V and 41 uA when turned "off". I'm no electric wiz myself but I looked up that those should be roughly adequate values for a regular audio input. This will mostly give anything below -50dB (and not steady at all against pot knob position) of input level and the pot light crackle is heard when turned, so I assume something is very wrong somewhere. But, as the wiring is connected, I can measure proper voltage readings from the pot pins that follow the simulation very well and the voltage itself is consistent with the pot position..

Do you have information what are the voltage & ampere requirements for DAC+ADC Pro audio input, or if there's say, a high-pass filter circuit that'd meddle with this approach? Is my schematic off someway, if there's any more experienced with ideas, I'd be glad to hear those!

I've ensured that the audio input I tried does work with other sources like a guitar.



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