Raspberry Pi2
Digi+ Pro
I had this working through Volumio but had nothing but issues so I decided to give MoOde a shot. No audio currently.
Below is output from aplay -l
Raspberry Pi2
Digi+ Pro
I had this working through Volumio but had nothing but issues so I decided to give MoOde a shot. No audio currently.
Below is output from aplay -l
aplay: main:830: audio open error: Device or resource busy
"Device busy" means that some process on your system is already using the sound card. I recommend to get in contact with the developers.
I have same Problem, but i found out why.
Moode is Playing, but there is no Sound. I have sound with 48/96/192khz sample rates. I have no sound with 44.1/88.2khz sample rates.
You can Resample with SoX to 48khz, but i think that isn't a Solution....
I tested with Hifiberry OS and it works. Volumio have the same problem, both are on bullseye kernel >6.1 while Hifiberry OS is on 5.15 kernel Version, i think it is a Kernel Problem.
I have the new Digi2 Pro Version 2.2
I figured something out yet.... I tested to change the I2C device (in Volumio and MoOde) to change the dtoverlay from hifiberry-digi-pro to hifiberry-digi... It works, but the sound was slower than normal.... Maybe a driver problem and not a kernel..... Maybe the HifiBerry team can do something?
As the Digi+ Standard and Digi 2 Pro use different clock circuits, the driver of one card won't work with the other. That's the expected behavior.
If only one of the frequencies work, there is a good chance that there is some process fiddling around with GPIOs that the Digi 2 Pro uses. However, I can't say what process this might be.
HiFiBerryOS 64 uses a 6.1 kernel without any known issues. Therefore I don't think there is any problem in the kernel driver.
Okay.... I had Download the
so the 32 Bit OS. I will flash the 64. I will test if that is working or not.
BTW: I have 2 Rpi4, i dont know the Rev (have to check ist) but both are not working with Volumio and Moode + Hifiberry Digi2 +. My old hat was a Dac2 hat, that worked perfectly.
Now i had tested the Hat with OS 64... and no Sound with 44.1khz and 88.2khz sample rates.
Rpi 4 Rev 1.1 and 1.2.
... Well what now? it is connected directly to Pi it is a fresh install
I was wondering HifiBerry OS 64 detected the digi, not the digi pro, i had to manual change it.
Let me understand this: It's working fine with the 32bit HiFiBerryOS, but not with the new 64bit version? In this case, it really looks like a bug in the kernel version 6. We need to check it here.
Just tested here and both 44.1 and 48kHz are working just fine. Are you sure that this was working on the older HiFiBerryOS version? Because to me it sound like there is a general hardware problem in your setup and one set of frequencies isn't working. It might be caused by a defective GPIO on the Pi.
Wow, I'm glad my thread spurred some good activity.
To circle back to my "issue" - I'm new to the MoOde interface and accidently had the volume muted, once unmuting and increasing the volume I was rocking. Flawless playback through local FLAC files and Spotify Connect.
Now the long-term test to see if MoOde provides a more stable environment over Volumio for me.
Sorry but i dont Believe that both of my Rpi s broken at the GPIOs. And why it is working with older OS? If the GPIOs broken, it doesn't have to work with older OS. And the sound comes out on 48/96/192, if i Resample it is working.
That is nice that is working by you Nick, i thought maybe someone have the same issue as me.
It is intresting, i have no idea what should i test....
Okay my Mistake. I forgot.... i haven't the Digi2 directly i have an Isolator between Digi2 and Raspi, i tested to connect directly and it works.... So i have to found the issue at the Isolator.... I hop i will find it....
Edit: Thanks fot the hint with the Pins that i checked it.... I had forgot that i have the isolator.
Well i found this thread:
but for me it is not working. Seems the Isolator is isolated too much for hifiberry Digi2.... i really have to say that i maybe give back the Hifiberry back to Vendor.... I have no idea what i can do, because of less documentation of Isolator and Hifiberry for the GPIO Pins.
Okay i just give up.... I will resample my Sources.... i don't know what exactly is the Problem... under HifiBerry OS 32 (last stable Version) it is working with the Isolator. I don't understand why. Thanks for trying to help me!