HiFiBerry team It is compatible with older Pi4's, but it's probably not compatible with the latest HW 1.5 of the Pi4:
John Morcom People may be interested to know that I have been able to get my Digi+ Pro working with HW1.5 version of the Pi4 by carefully soldering a 3.3uF 0805 capacitor in parallel with C3.
This hardware modification extends the reset period of the WM8804G until after the voltage on its pin 3 (SDIN/HW Mode Select) has settled high. This sets the WM8804G into the required software controlled mode.
I also had to setup the Pi's /boot/config.txt as follows:
#Hi-Fi Berry Digi Pro spdif output
#Required for Linux V5.4 and on to detect HiFi Berry Digi properly
force_eeprom_read=0After this modification, the digi+ pro on my Pi4 seems to work very nicely, operating at up to 192KHz/24 bits with my DAC and Roon.
Caution: Please don't try this unless you to have the skills and equipment to solder small surface mount components with appropriate anti-static precautions.
Bernhard Kögler I am having the same problem with my new PI4. The digi+-Hat ist not working.
can you show a picture of your Pi ?
I am not able to locate C3...
John Morcom Hi, I’m travelling at the moment so can’t send any photos. However C3 was a component on my HiFi Berry board, not the Pi.
Hope this helps.