Hello! I like to use the SPDIF port on my Digi+ card for input on the Raspberry. I also soldered it to the input side. Based on what was written, I added "dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplusdsp" to the config file. I prepared the script and ran it. Despite this, no signal is received and the server is not running to make the settings for it. What's next?
HiFiBerry team That won't work at all. The Digi+ Standard is not designed to be upgraded to a Digi+ I/O by just soldering a connector.
Zoltan Varga I have this board, but it doesn't have the doors for the entrance. I replaced these: https://www.hifiberry.com/shop/boards/hifiberry-digi-io/. The chip on the board is suitable for S/PDIF input (WM8804G). After examining the circuit, the path from the socket to the chip (IC: WM8804G) is built. Am I correct?
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