Consequent powering of HIFIBERRY DAC+PRO

Hello, Hifiberry-Team!

I just have purchased the DAC+PRO and like to power it as good as possible.


1) There is free space for a capacitor after the 5V/Ground-Connection P3.

Is it needed and if yes, which value is recommended?

2) When I connect a regulated 5V power supply to P3, is there additional regulation on the board?

3) In order to power the Pi separately from the board, I will desolder R14. I assume, that I then would be able to connect isolated extra 5V and Ground for the Pi directly on the DAC-board to power it up from the GPIO side, right? (5V after desoldered R14 resistor for DAC, another 5V rail before desoldered R14 resistor for the Pi)

Where are the 5V and Ground-Pins (on second contact row) located on the DAC-board to power up the Pi?

4) I also want to extra power the 3.3V-demand on the dac- Therefore I will bend away the 3.3V pin on the GPIO-header of the pi. Where do I then have to atach separate regulated 3.3V and Ground on the DAC?

Will there be further regulation on the board also in this case?


A lot of thanx in advance!

Greetingz, Robert







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