Went through existing solutions and posts - before posting here.
As with many others - I am unable to connect to Spotify Connect. Spotify connect is showing up in apps and in the HifiBerry OS, I can click on it - but it blinks for a while and then stops. Nothing happens.
Hardware - Rpi 3 Model B+, 16Gb card, Connected via LAN
Software - HifiBerry OS 20230404
kan nas +1
I am using hifiberry and spotify connect daily for a couple of months since yesterday it does not work.
I am seeing it as a sources on the web of hifiberry but my laptop, android and iphone can not pick it as as a target.
Back when I had it setup I could also use airplay from my iphone but this is not working anymore.
Just in case I reboot the hifiberry still nothing.
Please help
kan nas Doing some further testing it seems that rolling back to the previous version 20230223 solved my issues.
Spotify connect and airplay now work as expected.
The new version definitely has some kind of bug or incompatibility at least with raspberry pi 2.
kan nas A few days have pass and it seems that again using the even the previous hifiberry spotify connect is not connectable.
I used my windows 11 laptop with web client and the spotify app and my my Iphone 14
I am really frustrated and said what the heck lets try all the platforms I have.
when I used an old android oneplus I got connected!!!!
Now all the above devices see the spotify connect, but this did not last.
A few hours passed again and all device lost it again including the android.
Cleaning spotify from the andoird mobile memory and using it again I got connected! again after that all the above devices see it.
Hifiberry please fix this bug
HiFiBerry team There is nothing we can do about this. There is no official Spotify support for the Raspberry Pi. The software we're using is based on librespot. If it works - fine. If it doesn't - we can't do anything. Have a look at other topics ere. Some users have seen that their accounts had been blocked, some problems were cause by Spotify blocking specific IP addresses. Try what others have been trying. If you're lucky you get it working again
Matthew Humpherson Librespot is reportedly working fine so I can only assume that the reason Hifiberry Spotify Connect isn't working relates to the way you have implemented it. If you can look into this it would be greatly appreciated as Spotify Connect is the only reason I even own a Hifiberry!
Léo Same issue here since few months.
I finally managed to make it work by following this (weird) fix: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Other-Podcasts-Partners-etc/Spotify-Connect-is-not-working-on-my-home-network/m-p/5595597On Spotify app, Settings > Proxy Settings. Switch from "Autodetect settings" to "No proxy."
macike My HiFiBerry connect works fine for my mobile phones. It was [and is still if I turn on the old machine] working fine with my Windows 10 desktop.
I can't establish connection from my [new] Windows 11 desktop. -
Austin Cagney I've experienced the same behaviour as well - works from Android, doesn't work for Windows 10 or Windows 11.
If you examine the logs (journalctl -l | grep spot) I see this error when connecting from Windows. When connecting from Android this error doesn't occur which implies it's some kind of authorisation issue.
[Vollibrespot] : error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?client_id=<snip>
However I've figured out two workarounds;
1) If you connect with your Android device first then you can then use the system from Windows - even if the Android device disconnects.
2) Alternatively you can hardcode in your Spotify credentials editing /etc/vollibrespot.conf and filling in the username and password fields and then killing the vollibrespot process (it restarts automatically and will pick up the configuration change)
nano /etc/vollibrespot.conf
killall -9 vollibrespot -
macike Austin Cagney indeed the 1) workaround is something that I've implemented in my case ;) doesn't solve the issue but helps a little, thanks for 2) I'll give it a try
Problem solved by resolving ap-gew4.spotify.com dns to ip and editing /etc/hosts file line to reflect (probably changed) spotify server's IP
Check this thread for details: https://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/21348779832605-Spotify-Connect-doesn-t-work-anymore-HifiberryOS-20230404